
案 校园网络规划之服务器架设与管理方案 1 服务器架设与管理方案 目录 一、Window 服务器子项目:

 (3) 1.1 域控制器的架设 (3) 1.2 DHCP 服务器的架设 (5) 1.3 DNS 服务器的架设 (7) 1.4 FTP 服务器的架设 (8) 1.5 Email 服务器的架设 (9) 1.6 网络负载均衡群集服务的架设 (11) 1.6.1 软件要求:

 (11) 1.6.2 网络要求:

 (11) 1.6.3 共享磁盘要求:

 (12) 二、Linux 服务器子项目:

 (12) 2.1 Samba 服务器的架设 (12) 2.2 Apache 服务器的架设 (15) 服务器的架设和管理方案 一、Window 服务器子项目:

 1.1 域控制器的架设 如何对大中型网络中的用户进行管理,关系到整体网络的运行效率及工作效率,通过域控制器的架设,划分部门、组别、成员,设定各项职能部门的管理权限等,就能有效的对校园网络进行分配和管理。


 1.2 DHCP 服务器的架设 通过 Windows 2003 操作系统架设 dhcp 服务器,实现对网络不同区域(如学生宿舍、图书馆等)的 IP 地址及其它 TCP/IP 协议参数(如 DNS 服务器、默认网关等)的自动分配能有效的对学生宿舍区域的网络进行管理与分配。

 学生宿舍 DHCP 作用区域 IP 地址范围、租约、保留地址等具体参数如下表:

 案 校园网络视频数字监控系统设计方案 1 stressed t hat prom oting the com prehe nsive revitalizati on shoul d focus on economic constructi on a s the central focus w ith, pay spe cial attenti on to grasp the im plementati on of five devel opme nt concepts, dee peni ng reform and prom oting the a ll-round opening up, e nsuri ng and improvi ng pe opl"s livelihood, strengt hen t he constr ucti on of e col ogical civilizati on, "five pri orities", play development mix. To with new development conce pt measure w ork, and command a ction, a nd traini ng ca dres, i n implement im plementation new devel opme nt concept i n the l ooki ng for opport unities, and build highlig hts, and expa nd a dvantage; to f ull dee pe ning reform, break bound the a spe cts cre ated vitality of system mechani sm obsta cles; to active a dvance full a spe cts opening, participation "i n the cast Russi an Economic Corridor" construction; to g uarantee s and improve d livelihood, strongly w on poverty battle; t o strengt heni ng ecologi cal civ ilization constr ucti on, for sustai nable devel opment re served spa ce, for future ge nerations left sky bl ue, a nd to gre en, a nd water clear of better homes. We must i n-dept h impleme nt implementati on new development concept, i nsi sted to e conomi c construction for Ce nter, firmly ca ught dev elopment this first priority, absorbe d make constr ucti on, heart no distra ctions ca ught development, spee d up devel opme nt "six big industry", in-dept h impleme ntation "thr ee big e ngine ering", a ctive create "two big environment", out of a articl e quality more hig h, a nd benefits better, a nd str ucture m ore excelle nt of transformation dev elopment of roa d. To strengt hen e col ogical construction. On Mar ch 22, the dee p restructuring examined and adopte d the opinion on perfecti ng com pensation mechani sm of ecol ogical prote ction, pr oposed t o expl ore the esta blishment of diversified e col ogical compensati on me cha nism, progressive realization of forests, gra sslands, wetlands a nd ot her areas of focus and key ecologi cal funct ion a nd ot her import ant regional e col ogical compensati on coverage, t he e col ogical a dvantages of the region will be further highlig hted. We ne ed to g o green e co-buil ding, a s the essential poli cy, i n strict a ccorda nce wit h the State of main function region constr ucti on requirement s, careful implementation and Xia oxing " an mountai ns forest e col ogical protecti on a nd e conomic restr uct uring pl an for the construction of sky bl ue, ... A cts pr ohi bited by picki ng up the remaini ng wells in sta ndi ng timber. To focus on forest resour ce conservation, i ncrea se the a cquisiti on a nd supervi sion of cold storage, no buy fruit, e ncourage support to lea ding e nterprises, w orkers " cooperatives a s a unit, the contra ct management of forest resources, the rati onal protecti on a nd utilization of resource s. To work active ly towards poli cy aimed from the leve l of the State Forestry Admini stration formulate d regulati ons to prote ct forest resources a s soon as possi ble to a chieve law a nd reg ulation to pr otect forest resource s. Shoul d focus on forest fire preventi on. Fire safety is the first priorit y 学校网络视频监控系统 设 计 方 案 XXX 2011 年 11 月 14 日 stressed t hat promoti ng the compre hensive revitalization should focus on e conomic construction as the central focus wit h, pay speci al attention to grasp t he impleme ntation of five developme nt concepts, dee peni ng reform and promoti ng the all-round ope ning up, e nsuring a nd impr oving people"s livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecologi cal civil ization, "five priorities", play devel opment mix. To with new development concept measure work, a nd command acti on, a nd training ca dres, i n implement implementation ne w devel opment conce pt in the looki ng for opportunitie s, and build hig hlights, a nd expand a dvantage; t o full dee pe ning reform, break bound the aspect s created vitality of system mechani sm obstacles; to active a dvance full aspect s openi ng, parti cipation "in the cast Russian E conomic Corri dor" construction; to g uarantees a nd im proved livel ihood, strongly w on poverty battle; t o strengtheni ng ecological civili zation construction, for sustaina ble devel opme nt reserved spa ce, for future ge nerations left sky bl ue, and to gree n, and water clear of better homes. We must in-de pth impl ement impleme ntation new development concept, i nsiste d to economic construction for Center, firmly caught development thi s first priority, a bsorbe d make construction, heart no di stractions caught development, spee d up devel opme nt "six big industry", in-de pth implementation "three big e ngineering", active create "two big e nvironment", out of a article quality more hig h, and be nefits better, and struct ure more excell ent of transformation dev elopment of road. To strengthe n ecologi cal constructi on. On March 22, the dee p restruct uring ex amined and adopte d the opini on on perfecting comp ensati on me cha nism of ecologi cal prote ction, pr opose d to explor e the esta blishme nt of diversifie d ecologi cal compensation mec hani sm, progressive realizati on of forests, grasslands, wetla nds and other areas of focus and key ecologi cal function and ot her importa nt regional ecologi cal compe nsation coverage, the e col ogical a dvantages of the region will be furt her hig hlighte d. We need to g o green e co-buildi ng, as t he essential poli cy, i n strict a ccorda nce wit h the State of main function region constr ucti on requirement s, careful implementation and Xia oxing " an mountai ns forest e col ogical protecti on a nd e conomic restr uct uring pl an for the co nstruction of sky bl ue, ... A cts pr ohi bited by picki ng up the remaini ng wells in sta ndi ng timber. o focus on forest resour ce conservation, i ncrea se the a cquisiti on a nd supervi sion of cold storage, no buy fruit, e ncourage support to lea ding e nterprises, w orkers " cooperatives a s a unit, the contra ct management of forest resources, the rati onal protecti on a nd utilization of resource s. To work active ly towards poli cy aimed from the leve l of the State Forestry Admini stration formulate d regulati ons to prote ct forest resources a s soon as possi ble to a chieve law a nd reg ulation to pr otect forest resource s. Shoul d focus on forest fire pr eventi on. Fire safety is the first priorit2 目录 一 、 概述...................................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。

 二 、 系 统 设计:..........................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。

 1 、 设 计 原则 ........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

 2 、 设 计 依据 ........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

 三 、 用 户 需 求 分 析 设计...........................................................................................错误!未定义书签。

 四 、 系 统 功 能 特点 ................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

 1 、 系 统 拓 扑图:

 ................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

 2 、 监 控 中心 ........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

 2.1 监 控 中 心 结 构图........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

 2.2 中 心 管 理 系统............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

 2.2.1 双 码 流 功能............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。


 磁 盘 管理............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。


 自 动 校 时 功能..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

 2.2.4 支 持 矩 阵 控 制 功能................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

 2.3 客 户端 ........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

  2.3.1 管 理 客 户端............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

 2.3.2 企 业 客 户端........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 基 本 功能 ........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 数 字 矩 阵 功能 ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 电 视 墙 管 理 功能 ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 3D 定 位 功能 .................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 电 子 地图 ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 远 程 参 数 设 置 、 程 序 升级............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

  五 、 主 要 设 备 说明 ................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

 1 、 网 络 键 盘ST-CU8502 .............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

 2 、 21 ″ 逐 行 扫 描 纯 平 彩 色 监 视器.............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

 3 、 视 频 解 码器 ............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

 4 、 E-NVS 嵌 入 式 网 络 视 频 系统................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

 5 、 网 络 红 外 一 体 化 摄 像机.......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

 6 、 网 络 高 速 球 型 摄 像机 ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

 7 、 网 络 半 球 摄 像机 ..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

  stressed t hat promoti ng the compre hensive revitalization should focus on e co nomic construction as the central focus wit h, pay speci al attention to grasp t he impleme ntation of five developme nt concepts, dee peni ng reform and promoti ng the all-round ope ning up, e nsuring a nd impr oving people"s livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecologi cal civil ization, "five priorities", play devel opment mix. To with new development concept measure work, a nd command acti on, a nd training ca dres, i n implement implementation ne w devel opment conce pt in the looki ng for opportunitie s, and build hig hlights, a nd expand a dvantage; t o full dee pe ning reform, break bound the aspect s created vitality of system mechani sm obstacles; to active a dvance full aspect s openi ng, parti cipation "in the cast Russian E conomic Corri dor" construction; to g uarantees a nd im proved livel ihood, strongly w on poverty battle; t o strengtheni ng ecological civili zation construction, for sustaina ble devel opme nt reserved spa ce, for future generations left sky blue, and to green, and w ater clear of better homes. We must i n-dept h implement impl ementation new devel opment conce pt, insisted to e conomi c construction for Ce nter, firmly caug ht devel opment t his first priorit y, absorbed make constr uction, heart no distracti ons caug ht development, spee d up devel opment "six big i ndustry", in-de pth impleme ntation "thre e big e ngineeri ng", active create "two big envir onme nt", out of a articl e qua lity more high, and be nefits better, a nd str uct ure more excelle nt of transformation devel opme nt of road. o stre ngthe n ecologi cal construction. On March 22, the dee p restructuring examined and adopte d the opini on on perfecting compensati on me cha nism of ecologi cal pr otection, pr opose d to expl ore the esta blishment of diversifie d ecologi cal compe nsation mechani sm, progressive realizati on of forests, grasslands, wetl ands a nd ot her areas of focus a nd key ecologi cal function and other importa nt regional ecologi cal com pensation cov erage, the e col ogical advantages of the regi on w ill be furt her hig hlighted. We ne ed to go gre en e co-buildi ng, as the esse ntial policy, in strict accor dance with t he State of main function regi on construction requirements, careful impleme ntation a nd Xiaoxi ng " an mountains forest ecologi cal prote ction and economic rest ructuri ng pla n for the constr ucti on of sky blue, ... Act s prohibite d by pi cking up the remaini ng wells i n standing timbe r. To focus on fore st resource conservation, increase t he acqui sition a nd supervisi on of cold storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leadi ng enter prises, w orkers " cooperatives a s a unit, the contract manag eme nt of forest resources, the rational prote ction and utili zation of resources. o w ork actively tow ards poli cy aimed from the level of the State Forestry Administration formulated reg ulations to protect forest resour ces as soon as possibl e to achieve law a nd reg ulation to protect forest resour ces. S hould focus on forest fire preve ntion. Fire safety is the first pri ority 网络视频监控方案 一、概述 随着我国教育改革的深入,经济的发展,校园校区的教学安 全防护逐渐越来越引起重视。为了给广大师生提供一个安全安宁的学习生活环境,世界各个国家的教育部门早在本世纪初就已经采用了不同的防范手段来保证校园安全。当今科技的发展又提供了更先进的方法——数字监控系统。为了保障学校内重要设备财产和校园安全,迅速有效地制止或处理突发性事件,我公司为学校设计出了一个技术先进的网络数字视频监控系统。该系统以网络摄像机和视频服务器为前端设备,利用学校现有的网络传输高质量的音视频资料,建立分布式、低成本、数字化的视频监控系统。可对教学楼、学生宿舍、体育馆、图书馆、餐厅等实现远程监控,具备先进性,稳定性等特点,使现代化的校园更加安全、高效。

 二、系统设计: 1、设计原则 在进行闭路监控系统设计的时候,依照****学校对该系统的基本需求,本着架构合理、安全可靠、低成本、低维护量作为出发点,并依此为****学校提供先进、安全、可靠、高效的系统解决方案。

 ●先进性和成熟性 系统设计既要采用先进的、设计和方法,又要注意结构、设备、工具的相对成熟。采用成熟的主流技术,不但能反映当今的先进水平,而且具有发展潜力,并能顺利地过度到下一代技术,关键设备应选用国际主流的先进产品。

 ●安全性和保密性 系统设置了不同等级的使用者权限,仅有最高级权限的用户才可对整个系统进行 stressed t hat promoti ng the compre hensive revitalization should focus on e conomic construction as the central focus wit h, pay speci al attention to grasp t he impleme ntation of five developme nt concepts, dee peni ng reform and promoti ng the all-round ope ning up, e nsuring a nd impr oving people"s livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecologi cal civil ization, "five priorities", play devel opment mix. To with new development concept measure work, a nd command acti on, a nd training ca dres, i n implement implementation ne w devel opment conce pt in the looki ng for opportunitie s, and build hig hlights, a nd expand a dvantage; t o full dee pe ning reform, break bound the aspect s created vitality of system mechani sm obstacles; to active a dvance full aspect s openi ng, parti cipation "in the cast Russian E conomic Corri dor" construction; to g uarantees a nd im proved livel ihood, strongly w on poverty battle; t o strengtheni ng ecological civili zation construction, for sustaina ble devel opme nt reserved spa ce, for future ge nerations left sky bl ue, and to gree n, and water clear of better homes. We must in-de pth impl ement impleme ntation new development concept, i nsiste d to economic construction for Center, firmly caught development thi s first priority, a bsorbe d make construction, heart no di stractions caught development, spee d up devel opme nt "six big industry", in-de pth implementation "three big e ngineering", active create "two big e nvironment", out of a article quality more hig h, and be nefits better, and struct ure more excell ent of transformation dev elopment of road. To strengthe n ecologi cal constructi on. On March 22, the dee p restruct uring ex amined and adopte d the opini on on perfecting comp ensati on me cha nism of ecologi cal prote ction, pr opose d to explor e the esta blishme nt of diversifie d ecologi cal compensation mec hani sm, progressive realizati on of forests, grasslands, wetla nds and other areas of focus and key ecologi cal function and ot her importa nt regional ecologi cal compe nsation coverage, the e col ogical a dvantages of the region will be furt her hig hlighte d. We need to g o green e co-buildi ng, as t he essential poli cy, i n strict a ccorda nce wit h the State of main function region constr ucti on requirement s, careful implementation and Xia oxing " an mountai ns forest e col ogical protecti on a nd e conomic restr uct uring pl an for the co nstruction of sky bl ue, ... A cts pr ohi bited by picki ng up the remaini ng wells in sta ndi ng timber. o focus on forest resour ce conservation, i ncrea se the a cquisiti on a nd supervi sion of cold storage, no buy fruit, e ncourage support to lea ding e nterprises, w orkers " cooperatives a s a unit, the contra ct management of forest resources, the rati onal protecti on a nd utilization of resource s. To work active ly towards poli cy aimed from the leve l of the State Forestry Admini stration formulate d regulati ons to prote ct forest resources a s soon as possi ble to a chieve law a nd reg ulation to pr otect forest resource s. Shoul d focus on forest fire pr eventi on. Fire safety is the first priorit4 设置或更改。没有权限的用户是接收不到图像的。图像数据 的存储是专有的格式。

 ●可扩展性 系统集中管理、监控,分散控制,可连接外设报警设备。总体结构具有较强兼容性和可扩展性,既便于系统的充实、完善、改进和提高,又便于设备的更新、换代。我方充分考虑到甲方的目前需要和将来长远利益。首先满足其基本功能需要,达到经济实用的要求,但由于现代科学技术的飞速发展,故充分考虑今后的发展需要,本设计方案必须具备可扩充性。这种可扩充性不仅充分保护了甲方的投资,而且具有较高的综合性能价格比。本设计方案对此均作了充分考虑,提供技术升级、设备更新的灵活性,便于将来系统的扩展和升级。

 ●兼容性和易维护性 为了适应系统变化的要求,必须充分考虑以最合适的方法、最合理的投资、实现系统的兼容和维护。

 ●经济性 在系统设计和产品选型时在满足功能需要和发展需要的前提下,通过选用高性价格比的系统、优化整体设计达到经济性的目标。

 2、设计依据 据设计原则及系统设计要求,本系统的技术水平及科技含量,在目前需处于先进、超前的地位而且考虑到简单易用的原则,为此,设计方案的可行性以及设备的选型、工程施工、安装调试、 整个系统的稳定性、可扩展性以及易维护性,都必须统筹兼顾,同时整个系统必须符合国家有关技术标准、《规定》和行业规范,因此,我们参照了如下标准进行设计:

 JGJ/T16-92 《民用建筑电气设计规范》 GBJ116-88

 《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》 GA/T75-94

 《安全防范工程程序与要求》 GB50198-94 《民用闭路监视电视系统工程技术规范》 GY/T106-92 《有线电视广播技术规范》 GBKJ-90

 《通信系统机房设计》 GB50174-93 《电子计算机房设计规范》 GB50200-94 《有线电视系统工程技术规范》 stressed t hat promoti ng the compre hensive revitalization should focus on e co nomic construction as the central focus wit h, pay speci al attention to grasp t he impleme ntation of five developme nt concepts, dee peni ng reform and promoti ng the all-round ope ning up, e nsuring a nd impr oving people"s livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecologi cal civil ization, "five priorities", play devel opment mix. To with new development concept measure work, a nd command acti on, a nd training ca dres, i n implement implementation ne w devel opment conce pt in the looki ng for opportunitie s, and build hig hlights, a nd expand a dvantage; t o full dee pe ning reform, break bound the aspect s created vitality of system mechani sm obstacles; to active a dvance full aspect s openi ng, parti cipation "in the cast Russian E conomic Corri dor" construction; to g uarantees a nd im proved livel ihood, strongly w on poverty battle; t o strengtheni ng ecological civili zation construction, for sustaina ble devel opme nt reserved spa ce, for future generations left sky blue, and to green, and w ater clear of better homes. We must i n-dept h implement impl ementation new devel opment conce pt, insisted to e conomi c construction for Ce nter, firmly caug ht devel opment t his first priorit y, absorbed make constr uction, heart no distracti ons caug ht development, spee d up devel opment "six big i ndustry", in-de pth impleme ntation "thre e big e ngineeri ng", active create "two big envir onme nt", out of a articl e qua lity more high, and be nefits better, a nd str uct ure more excelle nt of transformation devel opme nt of road. o stre ngthe n ecologi cal construction. On March 22, the dee p restructuring examined and adopte d the opini on on perfecting compensati on me cha nism of ecologi cal pr otection, pr opose d to expl ore the esta blishment of diversifie d ecologi cal compe nsation mechani sm, progressive realizati on of forests, grasslands, wetl ands a nd ot her areas of focus a nd key ecologi cal function and other importa nt regional ecologi cal com pensation cov erage, the e col ogical advantages of the regi on w ill be furt her hig hlighted. We ne ed to go gre en e co-buildi ng, as the esse ntial policy, in strict accor dance with t he State of main function regi on construction requirements, careful impleme ntation a nd Xiaoxi ng " an mountains forest ecologi cal prote ction and economic rest ructuri ng pla n for the constr ucti on of sky blue, ... Act s prohibite d by pi cking up the remaini ng wells i n standing timbe r. To focus on fore st resource conservation, increase t he acqui sition a nd supervisi on of cold storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leadi ng enter prises, w orkers " cooperatives a s a unit, the contract manag eme nt of forest resources, the rational prote ction and utili zation of resources. o w ork actively tow ards poli cy aimed from the level of the State Forestry Administration formulated reg ulations to protect forest resour ces as soon as possibl e to achieve law a nd reg ulation to protect forest resour ces. S hould focus on forest fire preve ntion. Fire safety is the first pri ority 网络视频监控方案 GB0057-94

 《建筑物防雷设计规范》 GB50054-95 《低压配电设计规范》 GBJ115-87

 《工业电视系统工程设计规范》 GBJ16-87

  《建筑设计防火规范》 三、用户需求分析设计 基本需求 ****学校监控方案现在前端共 230 路摄像机,存储时间为15 天;分别对食堂、教学楼、宿舍楼、文体活动楼、周界等处进行监控。



 由于系统在运行中,可能会有扩容等,我们在整个系统的设计上,把这些因素也进行了考虑。将来摄像机增加时,监控中心不用从新进行系统设计。整个系统设计 1 台 8 盘位嵌入式视频系统(ST-NTMS-CD08),磁盘扩展设备(ST-NTMS-CF08)2 台,整个系统的平台放在学校监控中心,可以对学校的所有监控前端进行管理。

 中心配置台式电脑 5 台,安装管理客户端和企业客户端,用于设备的管理、客户的授权,视频浏览、录像查询等。

 容量计算 根据不同的场所我们可以设置不同的画质、码流,并可以随时调节。在此我们暂时按每路图像 CIF 画质、512Kbps 码流,存储时间 15 天的情况下。230 路监控图像共用 1T 容量硬盘 20 块。(计算如下) 230 路×15 天×24 小时×3600 秒×512Kbps 码流÷8÷1024÷1024÷1024=17.8T 格式化损耗10%计算在内:17.8T/0.9=19.8T

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